The E-Life: July 17-21
July 17
Say it Ain't So, Bill!
At a time when his Joementum is fading, CT Senator Joe Lieberman gets a big endorsement just before the primary. The guess here is that the high ups in the party must really want Joe to win; Clinton is a party guy (no pun intended). We still say (hope?) it goes to Lamont.
Bush makes faux pas, is unclear about how far China is from Russia, drinks Diet Coke, calls the British PM just "Blair," and thinks Syria should get Hezbollah to "stop doing this shit." (Can't say we disagree on the last point, although he might be over-simplifying things.) (Video and more here.)
Oh yes, our President also gave Angela Merkel an unwanted backrub. Eghck!
Et Cetera
Find out about all airplane ejections taking place across the world... M. Night Shyamalan is a big asshole... The Crow 4 to star Ed Furlong, Dennis Hopper, Tara Reid.
July 18
Bush to Senate Stem Cell Bill: "Stop doing this shit."
The President used his first veto on a Senate-passed stem cell research bill. Also, the Tooth Fairy's all up in the stem cell game - baby teeth may be a great source of them. It's too bad Mr. Bush couldn't have used his penchant for so-called "signing statements" on this bill to clarify that while it applies for everyone else, the stem cell research bill doesn't apply to the Administration.
Robot Bartender Alert!
Over at Popular Science, they've learned how to create a robot bartender (check out Cosmodrome editor JJ Mahones in image two of the slideshow). Cosmodrome to PopSci: we want this.
Flawed Form, Flawless Feature
Stylus Magazine's top 100 music videos feature - regardless of what you think of the order/omissions - is excellent. I didn't even know Wong Kar-Wai had done a music video.
Et Cetera
Chicago considers ban on trans-fats, Cosmodrome staff weeps, agrees it's for the best... the CIA's World Factbook rules... The "Chap Olympics" takes place... Argentina claims the Falkland Islands (again).
July 19
Johansson and Portman - Together!
There are few things that would get me excited about a period piece - one of them is if the movie has both Scarlett Johansson AND Natalie Portman.
Kim Jong is the Illest
Ever wonder what world leaders looked like as youths? Of course you have. Find out here. (Our favorites: Chirac (see right), Putin and Kim Jong Il.)
In Europe, They Watch Soccer Other Than the World Cup
ESPN's Bill Simmons takes a stab at picking a team to follow in the English Premier League.
Et Cetera
Midnight scavenger hunt to take place in New York... Unsuprisingly, Lady in the Water blows... Kid Rock and Pamela Anderson to wed... People who suck: Joel Siegel and Kevin Smith... Hipsters go on strike... House GOP thinks banning gay marriage is a good message for the Middle East... Ralph Reed loses in Georgia Lt. Governor primary (thank God).
July 20
Celebrity Caught Driving a '95 Saturn
Haley Joel Osment, the boy wonder of Sixth Sense and A.I. fame was in a car wreck last week. A warning for future generations: child stars NEVER age gracefully.
"Les Wynon Ought to Do More Thinking and Less Whining"
Senator Mike DeWine put out an ad that is eerily reminiscent of Sideshow Bob's ad when running for mayor. Mr. Terwilliger also uttered the immortal line in the headline.
Et Cetera
Paris Hilton is like a "fart in a mitten"... Wall Street Journal sluttifies Katie Couric (see right)... Dan Quayle walks out on John "Cougar" Mellencamp concert... Heath Ledger cast as the Joker... Video of excellent South African "spoon" guitarist Hannes Coetzee.
July 21
Heroes in a Half-Shell
Here's the trailer for the new (!) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. No word yet on whether or not Corey Feldman will reprise his role as the voice of Raphael.
Et Cetera
Bear eats pizza, drinks beer in classic Skylark convertible... Thomas Pynchon's got a new book coming (although he still won't go out in public)... An open letter from Steely Dan to Luke Wilson.
Until next week, keep your eyes open and watch ya back.