Spector's Descent

This is an amazing story about Phil Spector's descent into madness. By way of hair analysis. Actually, I didn't bother reading the article - I just enjoyed watching the photo gallery that gives old Phil the Michael Jackson's face treatment.

This Monday begins the second week of the trial, and while it has not been the media circus that was the OJ trial, it's introducing a whole new generation to the man's unparalleled genius, which is just what the internet was made for. Below is a video of Joan Baez singing "You've Lost the Loving Feeling" with Spector on piano. I have never, ever been a fan of Baez, and she does to this song what George W. Bush has been doing the country for the last eight years. But there are two brilliant moments: in the beginning, when Phil starts smashing the piano, and towards the end when you see this guy in the percussion section going ape-shit with the cymbals.

I guess on some level going ape-shit with the cymbals is what the "wall of sound" is all about.

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