Eliot Spitzer: Now with Bigger Guns Than Jim Webb's Aides

In the photo below, taken during NY Governor Eliot Spitzer's budget showdown with the state legislature, Spitzer is presumed to be thinking about whether his heavy-on-education, and including-universal-health-care, with cuts-to-medicaid-spending budget will get passed.

But on further examination, I'm pretty sure he's thinking about eating your children.

Read on...

From this week's Economist, discussing Eliot's methods: "Mr Spitzer, asked recently about his guns-blazing style, replied with a smirk, "That wasn't guns going."

Anyone else with me in assuming that Mr. Spitzer has a a countdown clock in his house that ticks away the minutes to the first Tuesday following a Monday in November 2016?

[Info on the headline's reference to Jim Webb/his aide/guns.]

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