Presidents of Crazy

diabolically fun world leaders

Grrrrrr-8 Vacation!

Last year we chronicled the group-discounted vacation of the world's 7 most powerful men and 1 sassy woman. But a few of the members last year (Putin, Blair, etc.) must not have gotten the lanyard of ever-lasting friendship and weren't invited back again this year. LOLz!
But the 8 are doing their damnedest to make this year The Best Vacation Ever and here are some clips from their photo diary to prove it:

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[via AP]

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"I Have, John McCain, Injected You With the Minimum Dosage of Poison From the Power of the Ultimate Clinton" (Snarl.)

Tonight all three presidential will appear on WWE's Monday Night Raw in an attempt to appeal to the hot new voting bloc, "the white male":

To the casual wrestling viewer, these quick promos could seem nothing more than the candidates awkwardly spitting out a few wrestling catchphrases or references. But to the seasoned fan, these promos have much deeper meaning and historical context.
Analysis continues below

Ya tebya lyublyu, Obamavich!

Watching Russia Today generally provides a great escape from hearing about Hillary and Barry and instead hearing about Saakashvili and South Ossetia

This weekend provided an exception, when I learned about Despite my interest and best intentions, my Russian remains below elementary, so Google Translate provided a hilarious avenue of getting to know Barack Obama from a Russian perspective.

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Yet Another Reason To Vote Obama

Does anyone want to see Hillary's in a "daring décolleté" like this?

Previously: Merkel (and Bush's obsession with) here.

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Picked Last. Again.

"OK my fellow NATO heads of state, everyone smile and say 'MISSILE SHIEEEEEELD!'"
[via NYTimes]

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It's Bad When You Get Booed Even For the One Thing You're Good At

Deadspin did a great job of summarizing Bush's evening at the ballpark, so I won't bother doing so here.
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Captain EO, Part II?

"Shhh... I'm not gonna tell him how to spell llama correctly."

Whither Azerbaijan?

"You're on, my friend. Whoever can imprison, murder, or otherwise disappear the most dissidents by November 1st gets Azerbaijan."

[Headline via The New Republic's The Plank; Photo via The New York Times]


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